The coin hopper I have is a really basic generic one. I got it with the intention of rolling my own solution. Its just a motor that turns a disk with holes the size of coins. Then an optical sensor where the coins get pushed out.
s-l1600.png 700.28KB
s-l1600 (1).png 665.7KB
- Fruit-Emu
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: ProtWarWTF
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Fruit Machine hobbyist and software engineer.
Came across fruit machines after my fathers very american (Triple Double Diamond) slot machine machine died. Gave him the choice of either fixing it, or making our own emulated slot machine. Spent the better part of a year tweaking and making my cabinet.
I truly owe a lot to all of you and the hard work that was done to make what I did easy. I want to give back as much as I can.
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In Topic: ProtWarWTF - Cabinet Build
09 May 2020 - 12:17 AM
In Topic: ProtWarWTF - Cabinet Build
07 May 2020 - 07:02 PM
Hey Luukvg. I'm sure anything is possible. From what I have seen the ipac\pac drive is for reading signals. So you could read the coin out signal through the ipac\pac drive. However you still need something to pwm your hopper. As with mine if the hopper has power it is spitting out coins.
In Topic: ProtWarWTF - Cabinet Build
05 May 2020 - 09:22 PM
Capture.PNG 1.1MB
Here is a pic of my final setup. In the dark, with the buttons lighting up with the FM
In Topic: ProtWarWTF - Cabinet Build
05 May 2020 - 09:07 PM
If you want any of the rest of my code. Like reading the coins to output after the MFME closes or even my rip on the sniffing the emulators memory to find realtime payouts I don't mind sharing. I do warn you it is all purpose built for my cabinet. Just let me know!
Shout out to majoris for that idea and his awesome fruit squeezer. https://www.fruit-em...zer#entry320465
In Topic: ProtWarWTF - Cabinet Build
05 May 2020 - 09:02 PM
Yeah I did get to use the arduino with the hopper. There is a signal wire coming from the hopper. You can count the amount of coins output by the changes of signal on that wire. Also the arduino has a serial connection to a computer. You can communicate in text over serial. So I sent a coded message something like. Coin:10. The arduino would read that message. Start the hopper. Then count 10 signals from the hopper and turn the hopper off. I regulated power to the hopper using an extension cord I cut myself and put a relay on it. Connected the relay to a pin on the arduino. When the arduino puts power on the pin the relay closes and gives power to the hopper. Lastly if the hopper takes more than 3 seconds to spit out a coin. I assume the hopper is empty and turn it off.
I don't know if there is a better way to share this on this site. So here is a paste of my arduino hopper code.
- Fruit-Emu
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