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Member Since 13 Nov 2017
Offline Last Active Oct 11 2020 03:00 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Roms for Hot Shot (maygay) (2004) ?

17 January 2018 - 06:17 PM

Been offered one of these for sale. Is it worth buying at max price? What board type is it? Im trying to stay away from epoch but I dont really know what Im doing!!


In Topic: Roms for Hot Shot (maygay) (2004) ?

17 January 2018 - 06:17 PM

Been offered one of these for sale. Is it worth buying at max price? What board type is it? Im trying to stay away from epoch but I dont really know what Im doing!!


In Topic: MFME cabinet build - the project begins.....

20 November 2017 - 10:19 PM

New here but this thread is awesome. Im looking for a home made fruit emu and I think I just found inspiration!! Really wanted to run on a rpi but a Windows PC May just be easier. I love your cab but the button placement issue - would a win 10 touchscreen make it any easier? The only thing is you then lose the proper push of a proper tactile fruity button. Not sure. I think your build is awesome.