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Member Since 24 Jul 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 09 2023 06:11 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Deal Or No Deal - Banker Rings Twice

29 April 2010 - 10:41 PM

you make me giggle dond most biggest payers you silly man crazy deal or no deeal the worst i play for money i live off fruit machines deal or no deal puts food in are belly an pays my bills get me stoned an keeps the kids happy an even puts a nuff time for the misses silly people look on profile im looking for people to come make the ,money with me more minds make better pattens more found patterns = more mega streks an jps if you can take a full hopper out of 5jp 25jp 35jp an 70jp can under stand if people ent got no hopper dumps for 70s let me know 250jp player needed to its just me an jp jammer that know them but have no ider on hoppers dumps on 250 or above

There is so much wrong with this post i literally don't know where to start.

In Topic: Let's Play Deal Or No Deal

04 April 2010 - 04:19 PM

Back on topic, this is probably the best DOND.

In Topic: Chavs/Ned/Pricks/Junkies Stories

28 January 2010 - 11:51 PM

I had a guy who must've been in his 40's try to buy a GATW on a 70 Double DOND off me for 15 quid. Aye right. It's not just bairns.

In Topic: FOOKIN typical... DOND

28 January 2010 - 11:43 PM

In short, no, the machine wanted you to take that deal, which would bump it's percentage back enough that it would cost more to get another super feature and the people who pay for the DOND feature would have to pay that extra wee bit more for it, and the machine would make it's money, we all whinge that these machines are everywhere and don't pay out enough, they're an absoloute dream for the house, in my work we have a Monopoly WOW and a Dond Big Deal, the WOW took just over 500 for the fortnight and the BD took just over 1500, so you can understand why they're rolling them out by the dozen. As for the seperate build pot for the DOND, to me that sounds like a very good idea but untill the current setup stops wokring, we won't see it. The machines are built for the house, not for the punter.

In Topic: Collection / liscence issue

20 January 2010 - 09:43 PM

I'm sure i read somewhere it's illegal to profit share aswell.