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Member Since 09 Jan 2018
Offline Last Active Mar 22 2023 08:51 AM

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In Topic: {Scorpion 4}Butch Cashidy And The Sundance Quid DX

02 October 2018 - 12:27 PM

Firstly, thank you for the release!


Here is a few recommendations for some new DX machine's for you Brainiac's to make! DOND The Perfect Deal would be an awesome addition that works for MFME V6.1. I know this one has already been done but does not work on any of the newer emulators.


Maybe a DX version of Red Gaming's Casino 5 Liner, or a £70 Electrocoin such as Dead Man's Treasure or Lucky Leprechaun? I've not seen any of these on any of the sites.


Best wishes and kind regards.