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James Nichols

Member Since 13 Jan 2018
Offline Last Active Mar 21 2018 02:13 PM

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Barcrest Star Wars a new hope Error 84-80. I’m a rookie needing some support

13 February 2018 - 09:52 PM

Im new to all this, so Im hoping some experts in the forums can help me. I recently decided to bite the bullet and bye a fruit machine for my man cave, always wanted one. I picked up a 2008 Barcret, start wars a new hope machine!

Everything semed fine, took it home tested it, perfect, so switched it off

When powered back up I got a loud hey check it out sound and it said error 84-10 on the display and hopper fail. Now after 10- 15 mins of switching it on and off it ficed itself. I used it for an hour and switched it off, unpon lowering back up, same error and same 10-15 min routine before it eventually works.

Ive bought a spare hopper off ebay, still the same issue


PS once I eventually get it working, can i leave it permanently plugged in? Or is that a fire risk for example,