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Member Since 30 May 2018
Offline Last Active Jun 10 2021 11:24 PM

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separate ROMS

15 March 2019 - 07:38 PM

​so ive been using mfme for just over 6 months, as a total novice I basically had to self teach myself how to set everything up which was an absolute ball ache made worse by the fact that I didn't know how to use a PC( the last computer I used was an Amstrad cpc back in 88) anyway I was hoping somebody here could help me do something, I can load nearly any game on any emu except for the older ones were the ROMS are separate, ime sure you have to merge the roms with the layout somehow but how?? any chance one of you could give me a very detailed step by step walk through on what to do and what to click and were.. TIA