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girvan pastimes

Member Since 03 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 05 2009 10:51 PM

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In Topic: Oh my god - vids on youtube...

25 August 2008 - 10:29 PM

I thought the thread was on the people who video themselves winning a pound?

sad or terribly sad?

In Topic: Oh my god - vids on youtube...

25 August 2008 - 08:59 PM

Look look..... I've won a fiver

Don't get me wrong a £500 or £1000 win is pretty impressive but someone playing for 10 minutes with his pal Nigel glaring on in wonder at his mates gambling prowess is terribly boring... Yes this might be a way of preserving the games of today for future numbheeds to see a couple of saddos recording their dismal satisfaction at breaking even......

come on though......those who call recreation through emulation sad are utterly misguided and should reconsider their thoughts as there is no better way of preserving the games of our youth with total clarity and bringing joy to the mid thirty years, where without emuation these memories would be nothing but a penny in the heavy jangling pocket of a tenner in two bob pieces...............