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Member Since 08 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active May 12 2009 04:55 AM

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King Kong Cash, Anyone?

09 August 2008 - 04:00 AM

I'm wondering is there anyone crazy after King Kong Cash? This is one of my recent favorites game in casino. I'm able to spend whole night playing the same machine. Have ever striked the grand jackpot twice in a day. After playing the game for 9 months, I noticed that this game is very suitable to those who likes to play "big", which means: Max. credit bets = greater chance to hit the grand jackpot.
To those who doesn't know KKC, here's a link to the video:

YouTube - King Kong Cash

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Btw, it will be great if anyone can create a emulator for this game just like the 50lions, etc...