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Member Since 09 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 11 2010 08:08 AM

Topics I've Started

Change money on a Maygay Homers melt down

05 February 2010 - 06:39 PM

Hi there i have homers meltdown i picked upto day for £35

I would like to change the stake to 30p a go and up the winning to £15.00

In the book it says set option swich 4 ... were is option switch 4 lol.

I can see the dip swich banks but no option swich 4 lol.

Help needed if posable thank you Bell fruit

02 February 2010 - 12:34 PM

Fitted a new Memory card to day to a Bell fruit "the prize is right".

swappped out all the mem chips to the new card no probs.

Booted her Up i get

Sound Error 98
Gen Meter err 60

I checked out the MPU Bord (think thats what is it called) and the battery has been leaking could this cause the faults above.

Since sawpping the mem bord these errors are diffrent from before. I tryed doing the reset by pressing the red Button on the MPU bord and allso tried the test green button on the MPU bord with no luck.

Im not a pro just trying to see if i can get this up and running. thank you.

Need to find a Scorpion 4 memory / sound bord..

25 January 2010 - 12:04 AM

Hi guys im looking for a Scorpion 4 Sound / Rom bord and for the life of me cannot find one any ware.

I have all the roms just the bord i own has burnt out and the sound chip no longer works so i need to get a replacement bord.

Can any one help or does any one know where i can buy one. mnay thks guys.