After playing this game I was wondering if like JPEM 1.46 you can go into design mode and change the size, colours and fonts and near enough anything you like to suit your personal preference. Can this be done in the BFM emulator, if so how cos I don't know. Thanks to anyone who can help on this topic. By the way WKD game
Just downloaded this machine and it says that the program rom is invalid and are the sound file, in other words can't play the game. Pobably doing something wrong again. :oops:
Iv'e just ran bank roller 1280 in mfme1.1 but an error comes up in the display saying wrong sound need v1. Help is required to fix this problem.Also is it possible to change the layout and buttons on this machine or any other that runs in this emu. Thanx in advance...
Y is that there is no sound on the machine even though I have the so called sound roms for this. The game would be better if I could get the sound working in jpem 1.46. All files I have for this machine are as follows:-