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Member Since 15 Aug 2003
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2007 06:06 PM

Topics I've Started

What's in a name?

09 November 2003 - 09:28 PM


relativley new to this. I know the difference between a classic and a DX, but whats the difference between a DX, a PDX and a WDX and what do they stand for?

thanks in advance,

Paul :D

'Two Step' (Circa 1984-5?)

26 October 2003 - 02:37 PM


Not sure if this will be possible. Am looking for emulation files for a machine I believe was called 'Two Step' and was kicking about in the mid Eighties. Anyone remember this or have any ROMs and/or layouts?

Thanks for any help,


Paul :D

Noel's House Party

28 August 2003 - 08:15 PM

Hi all,

Just a quick note to ask if anyone has, or may be working on, a DX layout for Noel's House Party?

Thanks in advance,




28 August 2003 - 04:37 PM

Hi all,

I may be being extremley thick in this respect, but how does one actually go about downloading files from http://www.reelworkz.co.uk/

Any help would be greatly appreciated



paul.armstrong@aufpet.com :?