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Member Since 15 Sep 2019
Offline Last Active Nov 03 2019 07:01 PM

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In Topic: MFME V9

26 September 2019 - 06:22 PM

V9 is essentially deprecated by release 5.1.you can get that over at desert island fruits. All machines playable in 9.4 are playable in 5.1 and it is more functionally rich.

Ahhhh im still a complete div with this stuff i ahve 5.1... thanks for your reply :)

In Topic: ?Guesses on what fruity this could be

15 September 2019 - 08:02 PM

Sounds like  777 Heaven by Project & Astra's Stampede - both are emulated


Here's my version of 777 Heaven




plus I've seen you've signed up to DADsFME.  Respond to the validation email then you'll be able to grab Stampede here





Stampede and classic 7s... thats the next couple hours tied up :)

In Topic: ?Guesses on what fruity this could be

15 September 2019 - 07:56 PM

This one and here is the link.


You sir are correct .... ha just seeing that brings back sooooo many memory's.... thanks.    spent way to much money on this  ,but i just loved the play.   Made my day there ...thanks again  :jiggy:

In Topic: golden game

15 September 2019 - 04:12 PM

You need to make a few posts before you can unlock the downloads. 


For your first post its always a good idea to introduce yourself, why you're into fruit machines, your favourite type or era & how you found emulation etc..  Once you have what you need and download a few layouts you’ll probably get hooked like the rest of us

Hey thanks 


Iv been sat on the couch for the last month watching guys on youtube play the old girls then started looking at how i could get these on my laptop, i havnt moved since 8.15 this morning iv got a load downloaded but all need MFME v5 to play. Apart from golden game that Wearicty kindly gave me a link to. 

Il be posting the granny out of it till i can download V5 :).


Im kind of started from the 2p era testpilot was the first i can remeber playing £2 jackpot i was probably 10 i think

and all went downhill from there, Moved onto the £5ers Dr who , kung fu, eastenders , indiana jones etc in later years... really got hooked playing the old 7 heaven .. i think it was with the ,impulse and stampede were my fav for sure. then along came partytime for £15 and well iv been broke ever since ... not really into the new era £500 JP style im deffo more of a retro player. Il post a few things over next few days and hope that V5 allows me to down load soon.


Thanks again for you guys making the effort to educate and guide  :thumbs_up:

In Topic: golden game

15 September 2019 - 03:05 PM

V5.1 is also hosted on desertislandfruits (http://www.desertisl.../file/340-mfme/)

HI thanks for your reply , i have followed the link and it says i am not permitted to download this any advice?


cheers again and thanks wearicity for your info on dates etc and how to resolve :)