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honky tonk

Member Since 18 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Sep 04 2008 08:38 PM

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In Topic: AOL Upgrade (DialBB)

18 August 2008 - 07:39 PM

have had same problems dialbb now connected then disconnects 'cannot connect' username password invalid loads of error messages phoned aol had to obtain different password each time sorted out problem for short time same thing happened' really pissed off now aol are upgrading network with carphone warehouse 'phoned aol again obtained new password again threatened to change providers ask why it keeps disconnecting she said yes [she] its because my modem isnt updating with aol new software' so she sent me an email with a modem upgrade down load suggest you try the same' downloaded software not a single problem since dont even see dialbb when connecting any more no more disconnection aol working fine but for how long? get on blower and complain it sometimes works' in near future aol will send [update ]box so you can change to there new network 'am already changed over since that modem down load as said no trouble yet good luck