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Member Since 09 Apr 2020
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2020 03:58 PM

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Does anyone have any of the following roms?

17 June 2020 - 03:35 PM



Does anyone have any of these roms, I have the layouts for these games but can't find the roms anywhere:


Game Ca$h_Bang_Wallop_(Barcrest)_[Dx01_25jp]
ROM Ca$h_Bang_Wallop_(Barcrest)_[Dx01_25jp].hex
Layout Cash_Box_(Empire)_[Dx01_70jp].fml
ROM cbox0_2c.bin
Layout Cash_Gordon_(Maygay)_[Dx01_15jp].fml
Sound cash gordon.s0
Sound cash gordon.s1
Game Cops_'n'_Robbers_Deluxe_(Bellfruit)_[Dx01_6jp]
Sound cops & robbers deluxe sound 1 295 (27512)
Sound cops & robbers deluxe sound 2 296 (27512)
SLAVEROM copdot10
ROM cops & robbers deluxe 5p-10p 6 p1 95840219 (27256)
ROM cops & robbers deluxe 5p-10p 6 p2 95840220 (27256)
Game Eastenders_(Maygay)_[Dx04_6jp]
Sound ee-snd1.bin
Sound ee-snd2.bin
ROM sa4-037.bin
Game Full_House_(Empire)_[Dx01_5jp].fml
ROM fhou0_1c.bin
Game Golden_Keys_(Barcrest)_[Dx02_5jp]
ROM Golden_Keys_(Barcrest)_[Dx02_5jp].hex
Game Hellraiser_(Barcrest)_[Dx02_5jp]
ROM Hellraiser_(Barcrest)_[Dx02_5jp].hex
Game Holy_Grail,_The_(Barcrest)_[Dx02_5jp]
ROM Holy_Grail,_The_(Barcrest)_[Dx02_5jp].hex
Game Hyper_Viper_(Barcrest)_[MPU5]_[Dx03_5jp]
ROM Hyper_Viper_(Barcrest)_[MPU5]_[Dx03_5jp].hex
Game Italian_Job_(Maygay)_[Dx04_10jp]
Sound digi141a.bin
Sound digi141b.bin
ROM sa8-106
Any help with these would be greatly appreciated.

Changing decals on bulbs

12 June 2020 - 03:12 PM

I'm really sorry to keep troubling everyone, but really need help. I'm changing decals on some fruit machine in mfme v6 (mainly astras. Also don't have v19-windows 8 computer) I change them by ctrl+e then properties on the bulb and changing the image, however when I change it the bulb either does not flash and stays constantly on with the new image or if it does flash, it flashes the original amount. Is there any way to change the image and make the new image flash, as if the new image that I have put over it was the original bulb. 


Any help would be appreciated greatly. 

A couple of Dx's that I can't find

05 June 2020 - 03:48 PM



I was wondering if any of you were able to tell me where I can find these games, as can't find them anywhere:


deal or no deal original £5 DX (currently running the £5 roms in the £25 DX and bugs me that the cash values are incorrect)

big ben £5 jackpot DX (image attached)

bear x £6 jackpot DX (image attached)


Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance,



Golden Game Streak

14 May 2020 - 09:09 AM

Can someone please fully explain the golden game streak, as I can never get it, even though I knock back the whistles. 

Three Player/Arena Games

10 May 2020 - 04:14 PM

Was wondering if anyone had a list of all the three player/arena games that had been emulated? Any help would be appreciated