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Member Since 22 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 23 2009 02:25 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Chavs in the Arcade "Helping you out!" Views and Experiences!

04 April 2009 - 01:32 PM

well i only got out of my 13th court case 2 months ago for beating up this type of people who makes the choice to pick the wrong guy and it was the last one i had to deal with. well , most of these guys are well known faces to the community and supposed to be the gang leaders etc.
for that reason most of them now knows not to get close to me so i never live any trouble with them :))

In Topic: rainbow ritches

19 December 2008 - 11:12 PM

i went to bookies this morning(same story :) ) and after playing thousands of spins for months the first time i had 5 leprecon and was hoping to get a jackpot but unfortunatly i had £250..well i was better than nothing considering i only put £50 in..as soon as i won the money i left bookies and the money sitting in my pocket nicely bothered me and went back to bookies tonight..and i lost the whole lot also my wages for the week..(same story) i just wanted to share..

by the way i said things to myself..you dont need to :)

In Topic: RE: Local Arcade

07 November 2008 - 03:02 PM

but arcade owners or workers here been saying that they make their money from b3s..i remember nails was saying again he does over 90% of his business from b3s etc..well it seems to me the sector is collapsing

In Topic: Rainbow Riches Gambler / DOND Crazy Chair

07 November 2008 - 02:50 PM

aaamusements, silent mummy and curlywill and the rest...thanks for your kind advice..much appreciated

In Topic: £500 jackpot machine wanted ASAP

07 November 2008 - 02:44 PM

i have one party games slotto. i can sell it to you for £500 ..if u consider let me know.. but make sure u dont use it for financial gain cos i dont have license to sell..home use only..by the way i live in pithlochry