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Member Since 21 May 2020
Offline Last Active Jul 11 2020 07:20 PM

Topics I've Started

BFMulator Armada, Reel Cash and Lotus SE gives reel 5 error

21 June 2020 - 09:07 PM

BFMulator Armada, Reel Cash and Lotus SE gives reel 5 error


Can somebody tell me how to solve that error?

Can't download ROM's, get error message "You must wait xx seconds before yo...

24 May 2020 - 07:37 AM

When I try to download a ROM-file (andycapproms.zip for example) I wait 100 seconds and then I get error message “You must wait 100 seconds before you can download this file. Once 100 seconds have passed, please refresh this page”.
What’s going wrong?