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Member Since 08 Jul 2020
Offline Last Active Dec 04 2024 09:13 AM

Topics I've Started

Proms and Reel Bands and Decals Buy/Swap

09 July 2020 - 01:41 PM

Hello, I'm Dave,

Proms & Decals - I'm after some £5 jackpot and 10p Stake or lower, PROMS to replace my £8 PROMS along with replacement Decals please

Reel Bands - I have several fruits machines with melted or smoke stained reel bands I would like to replace.

Machines I need help with are as follows -

JPM Casino Crazy (crystal cabinet) - Decals and stake/prizes prom

JPM Snakes & Ladders (crystal cabinet) - Decals and Stake/prizes prom (might require a different board)

Fight Night - Decals and Stake/prizes prom

Cops N Robbers - Decals and Stake/Prizes prom

Astra Ring A Bell x2 - Reel Bands

 MDM2000 Classic Tuppenny Nudger - Reel Bands

If anyone can help my number is 07951201542 and my email is DApierarcade@gmail.com

I want to have these in Operation in the bosses arcade (cat D) and need to be 5p/10p stake  £3/4/5 jackpot

Thanks in advance.

Need Help

08 July 2020 - 07:47 PM

Hello, I'm Dave,

Proms & Decals - I'm after some £5 jackpot and 10p Stake or lower, PROMS to replace my £8 PROMS along with replacement Decals please

Reel Bands - I have several fruits machines with melted or smoke stained reel bands I would like to replace.

Machines I need help with are as follows -

JPM Casino Crazy (crystal cabinet) - Decals and stake/prizes prom

JPM Snakes & Ladders (crystal cabinet) - Decals and Stake/prizes prom (might require a different board)

Fight Night - Decals and Stake/prizes prom

Cops N Robbers - Decals and Stake/Prizes prom

Astra Ring A Bell x2 - Reel Bands

 MDM2000 Classic Tuppenny Nudger - Reel Bands

If anyone can help my number is 07951201542 and my email is DApierarcade@gmail.com

Thanks in advance.