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Member Since 17 Aug 2003
Offline Last Active Sep 27 2004 06:57 PM

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In Topic: Invincible modes

29 March 2004 - 05:54 PM

Has anyone come across a modern machine that doesn't have a visible IM?

I know of 1, Bank Raid/Note Runner (Extreme Gaming I think).
If you force the machine you'll eventually be let on the top feature, but
I've never seen a visible clue that the machine is invinsible.

In Topic: fruit machine cheat

23 February 2004 - 12:08 AM

and now I have the proof. Most Wetherspoon's pubs have 3 or 4 bandits and must make a fortune which probably explains why they can sell their beer quite cheaply.

I remember reading an interview with JDW's head prat Tim Martin, where he said that about half of the companies Net Profit comes from Machines.

I'd also like to know how they get round the 2 machines per bar rule.
Bradford has one JD Pub (with another opening right next door to my pub this year :cry: ), and it has 1 bar, and 4 AWPs. I assume they get away with it due to the size of the bar.

On an average week, we might take around 200 quid out of a single machine, but after Leisurelink takes there cut for rental and taxes, we are left with around 100 (78% payout).

In Topic: refill key

11 February 2004 - 02:08 AM

Only recently found that my pub has had some refill keys for years, dating back to when the machines had token jackpots apparently.

The only thing I've been able to do is adjust the volume, and bring up the last win/bank - don't think many machines let you find out the hopper level these days.


09 February 2004 - 08:44 PM

Yes I was quite surprised to find that they have only just started re-chipping this one. There have been a couple come and gone near me. If only I'd known sooner grr. :lol:

When was the emptier discovered, and how long was it before it was chipped out?

We had this machine in the pub last year, I got pretty good at hitting the streaks - but I suppose if I'd known the emptier we wouldn't have made a profit on the machines for a few months :lol:

In Topic: top dog

29 January 2004 - 11:35 PM

I was meant to get Top Dog installed today, but apparently the glass had broke, so they gave us back Note Runner (which we had taken out of the pub about 4 months ago).

Also got Two Towers installed, which I gather isn't a favourite!