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Member Since 26 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2025 09:11 AM

Topics I've Started

Looking for any mini wild cherry info/parts?

21 February 2022 - 08:09 PM

So I’m looking for any info - cct diagrams, manuals etc etc for Cirsa/BGT Mini Wild Cherry. 

I get the main boards aren’t available, however hoping to maybe be able to pick up a faulty one and try to get it working again.

I’m fortunate to have a working one (well it was last time I fired it up!).. however I do have experience in board repairs… so really looking for anything and everything.


But first I need as much info as I can get to give me a fighting chance!!



JPM Impulse

11 September 2020 - 11:23 AM

Hi all,


Looking for a JPM Impulse if anyone has one for sale please??




Bar-X Super Deluxe MPU circuit Diagram?

11 May 2017 - 10:02 PM

REALLY long shot, however am looking for an Electrocoin Bar-X MPU Circuit diagram. 


Seems that i have a light string out, and traces back to the board - so suspect a Chip faulty (as they are all in the same bank).


Any pointers appreciated


Many thanks


sp.ace mainboard

21 October 2016 - 08:49 PM

Hi everyone.


Really long shot, however looking for a sp.ace mainboard (pref working, however would take a condition unknown as long as not too much battery acid damage.... (see attached - this one seems not just to have a really bad attempted repair, which has then been lacquered over!!), however doesn't even boot!



Anyone have one, seen one, know where i may be able to go to find one, or where to ask??


Many thanks



memex piggyback board with "altera" chip (S4)

25 May 2015 - 06:33 PM

Hi guys,


Could anyone enlighten me as to what these are/do? Looks like a chuzzy board to me....


Attached File  memex.jpg   52.71KB   1 downloads


If it is, any idea what machine for and if the roms are available?


