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jonno 85

Member Since 26 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Sep 19 2008 10:25 PM

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In Topic: Hey Check it Out Help x2

15 September 2008 - 05:43 PM

It's the "eye" that sees when a coin is ejected through the outlet slot.

So the the thing that hangs out of the hopper and where the coin comes out?

I'm no expert, and I've never seen the inside of a machine properly as I've never actually owned one, but is it normal for it to be full of cobwebs? I know spiders get in anywhere, but as far as I can remember from when I used to play and they opened them, cobwebs were not the 'norm'?

It's kept in my shed and there's a fair few spiders around.

In Topic: Hey Check it Out Help x2

14 September 2008 - 02:21 PM

Sorry for my ignorance but what's the opto?

In Topic: Hey Check it Out Help x2

13 September 2008 - 11:26 PM

Have you tried cleaning the opto? (The "eye" that sees coins as they are ejected.)

What's the opto? You may be onto something mate because there are a fair amount of cobwebs in the thing.

After emptying the hopper did you try putting a couple in and turning the disk by hand to check coins came out freely?

Yeah I did mate and to be honest they didn't come out freely so I had to turn it upside down to get them out. So I take it the hopper is knackered then or can I rectify it somehow?

In Topic: Hey Check it Out Help x2

13 September 2008 - 05:51 PM

Guys any more ideas on this please? I've kept on trying but still no luck. Everything seems to be plugged in but soon as I close the door the alarm goes off with that sign on the display.

In Topic: Hey Check it Out Help x2

09 September 2008 - 08:38 PM

it sounds like the pound hopper has a blocked coin, take the lid of the pound hopper then turn it upside down so there is no pound coins in the bowl then check the rotating disk which coughs the pounds out to make sure its not blocked/jammed

no not blocked mate. The change of the mpu has definitely helped as it's now working fine in test mode and there was no life at all before.