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Member Since 18 Jan 2021
Offline Last Active Dec 01 2022 07:18 PM

Topics I've Started


17 November 2022 - 01:14 PM



I am going to build a MFME cab from an old fruit machine epoch type. My question is, it has 20p & £1 hoppers can they be used for MFME and PAC drives. Also can I swap the 20p disc for a 10p one.




MPU3 Cabinet Emulator 2 screen

18 January 2021 - 10:37 PM

I would like to build a cabinet to replicate MPU 3 machines only. Line Up, Exchanges Unlimited, Adders & Ladders etc.


Is there an emulator that would suit what I want to create ?


19" square/wide monitor for the top glass and 27" wide for the bottom glass.


No buttons or coin slots on screen as I what them to light and operate real buttons coin slots with an Arduino or other compatible interfaces.


I would use a 10p coin mech and 10p coin hopper.