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Member Since 26 May 2021
Offline Last Active Jun 19 2021 05:13 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: emulators not downloading after waiting 100 seconds

27 May 2021 - 12:23 PM

Appreciation for this 'microverse' is high, but situations as described above (and similar limiting actions elsewhere) just creates lost time and increases frustration within an already ready fractured playing field.

Protectionism of this sort is (imho) covetous and self harming.

Additionally, as a noob: would have been great to see a simple glossary of emu language - as relatable to scene.
I have no idea why some images for d/l are polished images while others look like homebrew machines or why and what of file types used to mention just a couple of starter snags without the seemingly bewildering version control.
A wiki style guide front n centre for all mfme related asset types.

But, I'm a noob:what do I know..

In Topic: Guide for those new to Fruit Machine Emulation

27 May 2021 - 11:35 AM

Hey all, here to d/load all......

Am another middle aged Brit with a enough soft/hard ware experience to have a habit in this field.

Still getting my head around the fruity side of emulation, having already used gaming emu (any n all machines) for last 15 ish years.

Have seen lots of uncoordinated development by individuals with loads of potential on various aspects from great use of 3d space (notably in Unity) to 'on the fly' resampling of layouts and of course, custom UIs.

Is so good to see the community is striving forward despite itself.

More than happy to chat and aim to contribute when I can.

Am glad to be here.

All this said, I'm still awaiting confirmation email (a few days) despite a resend request too.??