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Member Since 20 Aug 2003
Offline Last Active Dec 16 2024 10:57 PM

Topics I've Started

Happy Birthday, Vectra666

29 April 2018 - 12:13 AM

happy birthday m8.

have a good one. 


:present: :present: :)


edit....ive just noticed ive spelt your name wrong in the title. i cant see how to edit it....sorry VECT"R"A666.... :) LOL

happy birthday hitthesix!

31 January 2018 - 12:58 AM

Happy birthday M8.


dont get to hammerd..:)

FME 2017.....

23 December 2017 - 09:09 PM

this time last year the world of FME was on fire and buzzing with the new release of WIZARDS MFME V5/5.1, and flood of new releases almost daily....


a far cry from the previous "stale" years....where nothing changed for months on end, and very few "new" releases...

in 2017, things were GOOD again. everybody was happpy, like xmas day morning, unwrapping presents. happy familes. :)


but as the year went on, the buzzing died down, and the "fire" started to dim....and then came the last few weeks when we all started falling out and rowing with each other....just like xmas day afternoon....NOT happy familys anymore.... :(


BUT today, WIZARD has released MFME V6! im happy again and the fading flame of 2017 was relit with the atomic bomb of MFME V6....


so lets move foward to 2018 like its the start of 2017 again...friends....because weve come full circle.....


time for a ram clear, and start all over again....:)


MERRY XMAS to everybody in FME/MFME land!  (and i fu@king hate xmas. ive not said merry xmas to no other bugger this year..!! ) :)





Anyone we know?

14 October 2017 - 06:28 PM

anyone we know......?


i know there are loads of people selling this on FleaBay.....but this one looks slighty professional..(ish)

read their negitave feed back.....shocking "bandits" ;)  (pun intended)


the leagal stuff at the bottom of the listing made me smile also.... :)



razzle dazzle club?

24 April 2017 - 08:28 PM

is this pic real? just seen it on google images...ive never seen or herd of a club version. any ideas?

or is it dutch?


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