Member Since 22 Sep 2008Offline Last Active Apr 08 2011 06:30 AM
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Heihachi_73 → sia
There are a lot of versions of the indian dreaming, the one emulated only has the bell sound (which is true for the machines at the casino). On other machines, they play the drum/indian sounds when the dream catchers (not tepee's) come up. The old 8-bit color versions make that long noise when you win the free games.
If you click the audit box, and go into Machine Options / Sound System Test, you will find that the sound FX are already in the game, just not used. Both the indian sound and the drums when the x3/x5 come up on the other versions.
If you recorded the sound from the original version, would you be able to upload it somewhere/link?
btw - the sound fx are slightly different between the old (mk5) and new (mk6) versions
Feb 23 2009 07:27 AM
sia → Heihachi_73
i have recorded the indian dreaming voice from the casino and unable to add into the program to execute the sound after 3 tapee display for free games. that sound exciting for free spins
Feb 23 2009 05:15 AM
thank heihachi 73 , for your info. anyway is that possible to original casino indian dreaming apache sound after the 3 tapee sound that triger the free games.
Thank again
Feb 23 2009 03:33 AM
Heihachi_73 → sia
you can't change the indian dreaming one to anything apart from the default 82.11%, it only supports this mode with the train version (the train jackpot is meant to add roughly 5-10% to the percentage) - only the normal ones can be changed (50 lions, orchid magic, atlantis and other non-hyperlink/jp games).
there's no code in the game to support different percentages (each version has slightly different reel strips, but the hypelink/train etc ones only have the one reel set)
if it locks up after the train comes up, you have to click the jackpot/reset switch on and off to go back to the game; the real game is supposed to be connected to a server computer (the server slowly adds credits to the four progressive jp's based on each machine's bet, and sends out credits to the 'winning' machine which just triggered the train), without it the game locks up due to a network communication error (not displayed on screen though, only Call Attendant - Jackpot is dispayed or something similar). btw, you can't disable the train either.
Feb 21 2009 11:50 AM
sia → Heihachi_73
I have try to audit indian dreaming to change the percentage variation , it lockup
unlike 50Lion, pls advise , many thank
Feb 19 2009 05:00 AM