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Member Since 22 Sep 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 11 2008 03:30 PM

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In Topic: Barcrest Cloud 9

09 October 2008 - 05:11 PM

what i ment to say was that I was told it was in full working order, trusting as I am I took their word just shows how silly we can be,

In Topic: Barcrest Cloud 9

09 October 2008 - 05:09 PM

just two bits, has anyone got a cloud 9 card ??, mine is running on a different program but is all but working fine, now the technical question, on the right hand side of the mpu4 board there is a connection, one cable is pink/light red, and two are gray that are speaker cables can anyone advise me as to which connectors they go to, I think there are 12 connectors to choose from, thanks for the help 799roger

In Topic: Barcrest Cloud 9

07 October 2008 - 09:05 PM

Just to let everyone know, it was the mpu4 board had failed along with the coin mec, all been put back together now and in full working order, now on a trip to restore it to a good standard, thanks to all that replied to my call for help.

In Topic: Barcrest Cloud 9

03 October 2008 - 08:57 AM

I have done all that but still shows code 16, on the credit display it shows 8. none of the other lights have come on at all just the displays giving the fault and the credit display