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Member Since 22 Sep 2008
Offline Last Active Sep 22 2008 08:58 PM

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In Topic: Barcrest mpu3 Testboard

22 September 2008 - 03:04 PM

Thank you!

But do you know if I can burn it onto a eprom and just use a regular program card from any game???

Btw: here is a picture of the MPU4 test jig

In Topic: Barcrest mpu3 Testboard

22 September 2008 - 01:37 PM

Hi everybody!

I've just got my hands on a MPU4 Test jig, but the problem is that I don't have the program card for it. (I would assume it uses one)

Does anyone have any suggestions to what I could do???
Is it possible to get the software from somewhere and just change the eprom on a regular game/program card?
