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Member Since 21 Aug 2003
Offline Last Active May 13 2009 05:20 PM

Topics I've Started

Poker Video Help

17 March 2008 - 03:39 PM

I have decided to make a bartop video poker machine. I have an old working upright poker machine which i will strip to use in the new machine. I am not putting a hopper in. My only problems is that i want to use a tft flatscreen monitor. It only has the 15pin monitor /pc input. Can this be used with the original poker wiring?


Impulse Wildfire help required on error codes.

17 January 2008 - 10:17 PM

I have had this wildfire machine for some time now, but recently it shows up "Note acceptor" when it starts up and sounds the alarm. It then changes to error 1.6 "Mech note err 1.6".

Also error code 4.5 "New opts alm" shows too.
Can anyone help me before i pull my hair out.


WWTBAM Quiz help

21 September 2006 - 06:15 PM

I have just bought a Millionaire Gamebox 4 quiz from a local auction.
It is good condition but takes forever to startup.
It can take 1-2 hrs to fire up and get ready to play.
I have just removed the pc tray to change the cd rom drive to a new one to see if it helps.
I will also install an extra bit of memory to try and help.
I did notice when removing the dongle that it has a slot for a battery but non is fitted.
Is this correct or do i need to fit a battery. Also would anything else speed it up loading or is this normal.


Stake and prize settings.

27 February 2006 - 06:08 PM

Would anyone have the stake and prize settings for the following 2 machines please. They both currently have an 8 way switch to change.

1. Global games Beaver Las Vegas

2. Barcrest Revolution


A great run today (Faulty Machine)

23 January 2006 - 09:43 PM

Down the local Twilight Zone arcade playing Crystal Maze 20p £10 JP.
The machine was playing really well and i was getting on the feature nearly every £1 or so. I kept going to try and get the JP but never did.
I have put about a fiver in when i got six crystals and into the crystal dome.
My first shot got me the Gold Series which i took. First up were 3 red sevens, £10 then 3 blue sevens £5 then 3 red again followed by a few smaller wins then the 3 red sevens again. The bank was £40 and every win then paid down to the £40. It kept going and threw a few more jackpots in before it started to spit out 20p coins as it had run out of pounds.
An attendant came over curious at all the money coming out. I told her what happened and she said she would stay with me to check the payout as if 20p's were coming out the machine was nearly empty. After a further few small wins the streak stopped. I hit the collect to pay my £40 banked and after a few coughs from the 50p slides the machine was empty. The girl told me to just keep collecting even though the machine was empty and she gave me the £40 then switched the machine off and said she would call an engineer.
I am a local at this arcade and play this machine alot but today was way out. I have never seen this machine act like this. I stayed and played the poker for a while losing a few quid. I think i will go down tomorrow and see if the Crystal Maze is back on and try a few more quid. Overall left the Crystal Maze £90 better off.

Best result in a long time