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Member Since 30 Sep 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 15 2008 01:00 PM

Topics I've Started

these machines, any good?????

03 October 2008 - 05:07 PM

just been looking around and found a place near me that has 2 machines for sale, one is top dog the other is lord of the rings two towers.
i never played either just wondering what people think? are they any good?? they are advertised on ebay heres the link
TOP DOG BARCREST FRUIT MACHINE £25 JACKPOT on eBay, also Fruit Machines, Fruit Machines, Coin-Operated, Video Games (end time 30-Oct-08 10:25:19 GMT)

LORD OF THE RINGS TWO TOWERS BELL FRUIT MACHINE on eBay, also Fruit Machines, Fruit Machines, Coin-Operated, Video Games (end time 30-Oct-08 09:12:01 GMT)

thanx jim

cyrstal maze

01 October 2008 - 03:41 PM

hiya im new to this site, i have had a go at trying to use the emulators but no luck lol. anyway i have been thinking of buying a fruit machine for some time now and one that i really enjoyed playing over the years was crystal maze:bigeyes02: anybody know where i could get one of these from? or does anybody have any other good fruit machines they could recommend. also has anybody ever delt with the company that sells bandits on ebay(if you have seen them you will know who i mean) thanx alot jim