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Member Since 03 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 24 2008 10:14 AM

Topics I've Started

Going Pro?

23 October 2008 - 06:59 AM

Hello, im David and a relatively new poster and have only been playing fruit machines for around 3 months.

Recently as in a few days ago, i decided i would play maximum stakes on a few fruitys and see whats what, well last night it paid dividends. Played DOND Walk of wealth, with a friend and we managed to get a mega streak (77) after putting in around 15 pounds. Then in the same evening, different pub and different dond machine, this time its your show. after a while we was winning 15, 30 pounds, 20 pounds and just reinvesting the money. and then at the end we had a ms (only 35 pounds thou :( ) so we called it a day. So my first 2 megastreaks and both on the same evening.

My point. Should I go round my town, list all the fruit machines i believe i can play, observe and learn quickly and try to make this a profitable thing ? I hear so much about pros and that, but do you think i should? Any tips.