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Member Since 14 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 06 2012 07:16 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Newbie - Help Reconnecting Hopper For Coin Payout.

06 October 2012 - 07:04 AM

Hey mate. Yes, thats all you've got to do, find the connecteor that plug plugs into, shut the door, reset the machine, and you should find the hopper starts working. If the machine comes up with "left to pay _ amount", and you have the refill key, insert it ino the slot situated under the door, and enter refill mode, and just put the amount required in pound coins through the coin insert slot, and they will come straight out again, reducing the amount to pay out, repeat until pay out complete. Alternatively, open the door again, and just put the required amount into the slot on the hopper (situated just under the mech), shut the door, reset, and the required amount to pay out, will come out once the machine boots up. Hope that helps.

In Topic: machines you would love to be emulated!

20 June 2009 - 01:57 PM

Would really love Deal Or No Deal Classic, and Deal Or No Deal, The Big Reds emulated. They've been in circulation now since 2006, so should now be able to be emulated. They are the only ones now that take my money, as don't play any of the others anymore, since I can play them on PC now for free.