What does that mean in not so technical language please?
Are we any closer?
28 June 2010 - 11:39 AM
What does that mean in not so technical language please?
Are we any closer?
20 June 2010 - 07:26 PM
Might be wrong but if you load the sounds in as m1a, you can at least play those. Been a while though, not 100%.
14 June 2010 - 09:35 PM
It can be done. The roms are encrypted, however they use an addon board, with no modification to the MPU4. So that means that by the time the data and addresses get to the MPU4 it has to be the right info.
So you can hook up a rom encryption board and read off the rom. There is the possibility of futher jiggery pokery, but to answer your question, yes its perfectly possible.