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Member Since 25 Aug 2003
Offline Last Active Aug 27 2003 09:05 PM

Topics I've Started

Club Casino Crazy DX Problem

27 August 2003 - 10:50 AM

I have been playing Club Casino Crazy on JPeMu Impact Emulator 1.46 however there is a problem i hope someone can help me with.

Even when i put in more cash than it pays out, it always ends up when i collect - that the machine ends up IOU 60p or 80p -- Call Attendant
It then wont accept any more cash

Anyone else experienced this problem?
Any Tips to sort it out ?

JPeMu Emulator 1.36 -Fruit Machine Property Persistance Prob

27 August 2003 - 09:55 AM

I have been using the above emulator to play classics like Club Casino Crazy DX. I have noticed that when the emulator is restarted the machine it is emulating will reset all its counters.

Is it not posible for the emulator to keep track of the totals - paid in/out as in a real machine ?