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Member Since 20 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active May 24 2010 10:49 PM

Topics I've Started

Just Popped Back In For A Visit

24 May 2010 - 10:35 PM

hello again everyone. i just popped back in for a visit and was gobsmacked at the new? site layout... i must confess to being peoccupied with other things but i got the notion again to see if there were any good fruit machines about and when i came back to the site WOW looking good... :jiggy: :notworthy:

am i being stupid?

20 October 2008 - 11:32 PM

hello everyone i have just joined...... again.
was a member a couple of years ago before the site was revamped.... it's looking great btw. :bigeyes04:

my question as with regards my title is that upon joining it suggests that i post a hello in the introductions forum!!!!!
well i can't find it ??? where is it ??? :bigeyes02:
so i hope you don't mind me saying hello to everyone via this section of the forum..:bigeyes16:
