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Member Since 27 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 27 2008 09:14 AM

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In Topic: AOL Upgrade (DialBB)

27 October 2008 - 09:13 AM

What the f*** is this DialBB rubbish?

On Friday my AOL service was fine, and has been fine for 2 years. Then suddenly I had an urgent upgrade forced upon me from AOL when I closed it down.

On Saturday when I booted my laptop up, a 'DialBB' box popped up, asking if I wanted to connect. A password that was 12 'blobs' long was already entered for me. Fearing that it was a 'dialer' I clicked no. Then I tried to get on AOL but it wouldn't connect. Then the DialBB came back and said it was connected. I then tried to get on AOL and it wouldn't let me, showing a different error code each time. IE was OK though. After a few minutes surfing off IE I tried AOL again and it was OK. Turns out DialBB is part of the new AOL.

Later on in the day it disconnected for no reason, but came straight back. Last night it disconnected again and took ages to come back. Then it went off again, and this time DialBB wouldn't reconnect because it said my password was wrong. I don't even know what my password is - it was already in there 'blobbed out', and it's a good 12 characters long so I couldn't even guess what it is because all my usual passwords are shorter.

So I'm left asking this -

Why call it DialBB? Makes you think you have a dialer on your system as it pops up out of nowhere.

How about some f*****g instructions or an explanation of what the f***'s going on before this upgrade is forced upon you?

And lastly, why is it, every single time you get an upgrade for AOL it makes the service worse instead of better?

Anyone else experiencing this shit?

me too since the upgrade have had nothing but probs with disconnect from interactive sites been going since upgrade am cracking up been with aol for 6 years with no probs till now, any ideas?