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Member Since 24 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active Sep 21 2021 05:43 PM

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In Topic: Getting Fruity for Free

02 December 2008 - 12:38 AM

HQ glass shots wont be a problem... I've got a brand new 10MP camera just begging to be used!

So what (roughly) is involved in doing a ROM dump? Would it be done via the RS232 interface on the mainboard, or would I require an EPROM programmer of some sort? I'm quite excited at the prospect of adding something new to the Emu scene - even if the hardware version never rises from the dead!

call it frank.

I was thinking that it looked more like a 'Betsy' than a 'Frank'. :p

In Topic: Getting Fruity for Free

01 December 2008 - 12:45 PM

I'd get on to the guys at the mecca for help straight away - as you might make it worse if you don't get some advice.. This was indeed a classc from mid/late 90s that I personally really liked so good luck and get somebody to dump the roms ;-)

Mecca link on the left - post the machine and some pictures/ description on there and they will give some fantastic advice.

Great link - thanks! :) I'll be posting there shortly...

The smoke coming from the PSU is probably the capacitors - they have a habit of doing this on the old JPM MPS machines. They are fairly easy to change.

Yup - it was. I've pulled the offending cap out of the PSU board - now all I need to do is track down a replacement from somewhere like Maplin!

There is a manual here

Awesome! :) Much appreciated...

Whereabouts do you live??

I'm in Harlow, in Essex.

In Topic: Getting Fruity for Free

30 November 2008 - 05:12 AM

Well... I managed to get it home in one piece - although moving it by myself resulted in the glasses popping into the case! No serious damage done thankfully...

However, when I powered it up for the first time (with the back off) I saw a power light and error indicator (?) showing '0'. Then the PSU died - smoking too! The previous owner told me that it hadn't turned on for a while, so I'm assuming the move simply pushed it over the edge!

Super Exchange would seem to be right - it appears on the top glass and the reels. The QA sticker inside says 1989. I'd be delighted to dump the ROMs if somebody can guide me through it! :) HQ photos aren't a problem either...

I just find the whole machine fascinating - the way all the lights are wired for example, in a pre-PCB way that is almost artistic! ;) I'd love to get it back to its former glory...

So - anyone got an Owner's Manual for this era/case? Any thoughts on what I can use to replace the PSU?