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Member Since 06 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 17 2010 04:28 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Is Anyone Else Having Problems Getting On Here?

17 April 2010 - 04:31 AM

Although it's a serious thread, I do tend to look for the humour in most things. This is classic "are you asleep yet?" kind of subject. If you did have problems getting on here you couldn't tell others that you did, and vice versa.

Ahh well..


In Topic: I Want One So Badly But How Do I Get It!

25 March 2010 - 11:05 PM

Well I'm sure everybody is thinking this..how have you experienced UK fruit machines..did you live or study over here for a while?, it's not something you get a feel for unless you actually play them.

Hmmmmnnn..I live in Ohio, you could visit and play!


In Topic: I Want One So Badly But How Do I Get It!

24 March 2010 - 11:00 AM

Or do what I did, and have them shipped to your door. However I now live in the states, so not quite sure of the canadian rules and regulations. However if there is no problem,..this what you could be looking at

Machine cost 100 quid
Picked up from the arcade by shippers 30 quid
Cost to crate machine (do not skip this stage) 60 quid
Cost to ship to Canadian address 750 quid

Thats door to door..and these prices are over 5 years old. I shipped 2 over in total..the first was door to door, and the second I paid to ship just to port, and pay the extra to deliver from the port..works out not much different..

If you have the money..buy barcrest or modern BFM, anything older, and you are asking for headaches in spare parts. I have a Duff Beer Guide, and gone through a spare boards, and PSU that cost 180 quid to ship. I do stress that crating the machine is very necessary, as it gives a lot of protection over the 3000 miles it has to travel through from weather, and port handlers.


PM if you need more details

In Topic: Crazy Crazy Knights (Barcrest) Dx 1024

24 March 2010 - 10:50 AM

Wasn't there, an LED status bar (a tightly stacked 15 of them, which where bi coloured (red/green) to give some idea of how much sucess you had for the next gamble??)

A weird machine, and reminds me of Brainwaves for some reason.

'Tis but a scratch


In Topic: Surley You Will Never See These On Your Doorstep?

22 March 2010 - 11:41 PM

I thought the correct answer to this thread was "Bottles of Milk?"