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Member Since 11 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 06 2009 08:25 PM

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In Topic: Fuse keeps blowing

04 January 2009 - 12:19 AM

Hello again.

I take it that there is no fuse rating written next to the fuseholder?

Do you have the original fuse, you can get the amperage from that otherwise not knowing the machine I couldn't guess at how much current it takes.



In Topic: Questions on Maygay Monopoly Machine

03 January 2009 - 11:22 PM

Crikey, that was quick. Thanks

In Topic: Fuse keeps blowing

03 January 2009 - 11:17 PM


the fuse blowing would indicate an overload from the lighting circuit, I assume that you are replacing the fuse with the correct type (antisurge if mine is anything to go by)

The possibilities are a short in the wiring loom or in one of the bulbs , I have seen this in house lighting where a bulb failure has taken out the main circuit breaker.

Thinking of ways to isolate the fault, 1) you could remove all the bulbs and replace them in small batches until the fault is found, 2) If you have access to a bench PSU with current limiting you could power up the lighting circuit using this and look for dead bulbs or those brighter than the others. 3) taking a leaf from TV repair (and assuming the circuit is circa 12volts) you could put a car headlight bulb in series with the circuit to limit the current which also may allow you to identify faults.

If the fault is in the loom rather than a bulb then you may well have to break into (e.g. cut)it in several places to narrow down the location if a visual inspection doesn't solve it.

Hope this is of help

Good luck