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Member Since 11 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 06 2009 08:25 PM

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Questions on Maygay Monopoly Machine

03 January 2009 - 11:00 PM


I have recently obtained my first fruit machine through 'Freecycle' which I guess qualifies me as a 'noob' and I have some questions that I would appreciate some help with.

I have already repaired the processor PCB (Electronics being my thing) and have the reels, sound and lights working ok but I haven't yet been able to get the coin mech to work.

The machine seems to be stuck in some test mode where hitting play gives you 40 credits and you can then use the machine, how do I get it into the proper mode that enables the coin mech?

The machine has two interlock switches on the front and rear doors, a key switch on the front and a rocker switch on the back along with a shedload of dip switches. Any thoughts on where I can get details of these settings as I have had no luck searching through the various resources linked to on this site.

On a separate note I would like to restore the cabinet, the paint finish has a texture to it as if fine fibres had been added to the paint, is this something that is available commercially? One of the glass panels has been scratched with a diamond or similar, are there any products to hide the scratches (perhaps something like autoglass use on windscreens)?

I look forward to any responses

