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Member Since 16 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 16 2008 01:08 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Stay close to ur kids

16 December 2008 - 12:40 PM

If Dez had just dumped me and not been a paedophile I might have laughed at this whole thing... but this is serious and unfortunately, something that keeps happening in modern society... Lucy

In Topic: Stay close to ur kids

16 December 2008 - 12:39 PM

But deep down I'm still devastated as believe it or not I have lost something too. I've lost a person who only existed to me at that time. A person who i thought was everything and even thought I might be with forever. Everything clicked with Dez and I miss what we had together. He was always there to talk to... Now I've got to get used to the fact that that person is not real and never was. I've got to accept what Dez has done and what he's still capable of doing to others.

In Topic: Stay close to ur kids

16 December 2008 - 12:34 PM

I didn't expect to be accused of being a liar myself or of trying to fabricate another person online. I'm not like that and quite happy with being the person I am as I know I havent done anything wrong. It might be useful to think about what is said on here as people might think twice about turning to this site for support if they are going to get doubted at very difficult times. I'm happy I found out about Derren Leighton when I did and I'll always be forever greatful to the 2 people who have helped me so far...

In Topic: Stay close to ur kids

16 December 2008 - 12:30 PM

I am devasted that a man i cared about can have done those sick things to children and just the thought of nearly becoming one of Dez's robbery or assault victims has really upset me. I never saw the bad in him at all when I was with him and I was completely taken in by him. I chose to join this thread for support at a difficult time in the hope to find out just what my sick ex boyfriend was really like, I believed this had to be done as it turns out that I never really knew him at all because he was such a compulsive liar.

In Topic: Stay close to ur kids

16 December 2008 - 08:31 AM

James, ive added u to my windows live messenger. please come on there to chat. i cannot recieve your messages on this site for some reason. lucy x