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Member Since 16 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active May 15 2024 09:06 PM

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In Topic: Fruit Banker emu, History of 80's Fruits

27 April 2018 - 07:02 PM

Don't think so, as superbank above recognised it. It was pretty rare even BITD.

In Topic: Fruit Banker emu, History of 80's Fruits

26 April 2018 - 08:22 AM

I know this is an old topic but in the 9 years since I've not come across anything further on Fruit Banker so wondered if anyone has?


Any pics, or videos would be great to see.

In Topic: Fruit Banker emu, History of 80's Fruits

05 February 2009 - 06:48 PM


Thanks for all your replies – much appreciated.

Yes the font did look weird, not sure what was going on there as just typed it out normally and wasn’t trying to make it different but thankfully looks like it’s been corrected now.

Mike, thanks but, no it’s not that one.

Looks like it is the one that superbank mentions converted from Exchanges Unlimited and not been emulated unfortunately which is a real shame.

I didn’t like Wheel of Fortune much nor Fruit Banker initially but grew to like Fruit Banker a lot and seemed to win quite easily on it. Do think it was rare as was the one I ever saw and did go to most if not nearly all arcades in IOW, Portsmouth and Bournemouth at the time and never saw it anywhere else.

As an aside, probably breaching etiquette here by discussing several topics on one message, but don’t know if anyone has any pics of 80s arcades (really UK not US) as would love to see them especially Tucktonia near Christchurch, Dorset as that was my all time fave arcade?

Thanks for the links for the emulator for Pay Rise etc and site to show machines. Will check them out.

Like most of you I guess, I grew up with the arcades and was heavily into vids and pins as well as fruit machines. If any of you are into pins still, check out the ukpinball league where we hold regular meets and competitions. Visit www.pinballleague.co.uk for more info or email me direct robotgreg@yahoo.com. Hope OK to post this here.

Cheers again