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Member Since 16 Dec 2008
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Virtual Machine with 2 Screens - possible?

22 April 2018 - 09:05 AM



I'm looking to get a virtual fruit machine build but way beyond my skills and also don't see point in reinventing the wheel so wondering if anyone here would be willing to build a commission, of course will pay.  Let me know if you think you might be able to do this and willing and we can discuss further.


Main point is that I'm after as close as possible to an 80s fruit machine look and in the same way as the virtual cabs for pinball have which, as some of you may have seen, have two screens to fit in the top and bottom half of the machine.


In an ideal world would use a donor cab like Line Up but of course cost would be high and wouldn't want to butcher a classic so unless get lucky and there's a shell lying around of an mpu3 or 4, would expect to have to use a cheap non working modern cabinet as long as have the right sort of shape with top and bottom of similar size instead of just the one panel like the latest shaped machines.


As I say the technical side is way beyond me  but I'm not sure if anyone has yet tried to get the emulation on two screens to mirror how the old machines would have looked.  To try to explain further, for example I'd want the virtual cabinet to look like Line Up one minute, top and bottom sections and then be able to swap to Exchanges Unlimited top and bottom half or any other 80s classic.  In most cases the top section display would not be interactive ie not be affected by the playing of the machine and just be a static display but for some like Autoroute would be interactive.


Hope this all makes sense but wonder whether it is technically possible?  For me personally if you can't emulate the look of the machine as it would have looked BITD, having all the display on one screen just isn't close enough feel and look to the original to make the project worthwhile although I accept it's much better with a cabinet and buttons.


Look forward to hearing your thoughts and with any luck hearing from someone who can actually build one!




Fruit Banker emu, History of 80's Fruits

04 February 2009 - 07:08 PM


I’m after an emulation for a fruit which came out around 83 and was in the arcades the same time as Line Up. Not sure if it was made by Barcrest and only ever saw it in one arcade – Wight City, Sandown, Isle of Wight.

The machine was called Fruit Banker and was a very similar style to the Wheel of Fortune which is on ebay at the mo as below: You got bonuses for landing on the fruits on the ladder feature if you had the same furit on the win line.

mpu3 barcrest fruit machine, wheel of fortune on eBay, also Fruit Machines, Fruit Machines, Coin-Operated, Video Games (end time 07-Feb-09 09:55:26 GMT)

Does anyone know if one has been done and if so where I can get it please?

Also after an emulator for Pay Rise and/or similar machines where you got secret features for getting same numbers on the winline and where the full reels were shown on the front of the machine. It was out in the early 90s about 92 but not sure who made them, maybe Ace?

On a separate note, are there any sites which show fruit machines from the early 80s showing pics and descriptions of gameplay and features. There only seems to be the emulation sites which don’t quite provide what I’m looking for which is more descriptive. There’s similar sites for videos and pinballs – killer list of video games and international pinball database amongst others but nothing I can find for fruit machines. Only really interested in 80s to early 90s fruits and not more recent.

Thanks in advance for any help on any of the above.
