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Member Since 02 Jan 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 20 2009 08:54 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Dont kids scare you to death!

08 January 2009 - 10:27 AM

After a 12 hour observation in hospital we got home with the good news that Jake has a viral infection. A hugh relief for myself and family to say the least. Our lass not well now so I slept with Jake and had a very unsettled night. He must have been sick 20 times in the night, bless him.
These things take a lot out of young kids and he is just sat on the sofa looking very fed up with himself.
Thanks for the replies gents, they gave me support when I needed it. Cheers.

Glad to hear ok m8.

Reminds me of the time my little one was 6 , just kept crying and throwing up all the time , took her local walk in centre said it was just a bug .

Any way after a further two days and condition was including loss of balance decided wasn't right.

So off we went to local hospital waited for 3 hours to be seen and low and behold something was wrong.

What had happened was that the boxer we have had tore her bed to bits ( which was normal for her ) but the bed had little polystyrene beads in it and one had become lodged in her ear ( no idea how )

Any way they gave her local to put her out and removed it all fine after that , but didn't half scare us .

In Topic: Good machine site????

06 January 2009 - 07:16 PM

Pooks site dxcellent,Dads Dadsfme, some oldies over at the Mecca and the Odd missed release at FruitForums...all listed (Except Fruitforums) on the left hand side under FME sites.

Ta m8 will give them a go.

In Topic: Good machine site????

06 January 2009 - 07:13 PM

yep fruit forums lolololol ;)

ta m8 and happy new year to you .

Got some good ones off funny enough fruit machine emulators site , was just wondering if anyone knew anymore .

Was after the italian job and ones around the same time .

In Topic: Newbie

02 January 2009 - 07:29 PM

Your first bet is to go to Control Panel and check that your monitor can be resized to 1280 by 1024. If not I'm afraid you will only be able to play 1024 by 768 or smaller DX's, unless the machines you download play on MFMEv3.2. I think this is the only version that you can "resize" the windows on by dragging the edges.

Hope this helps :)

Oh, and Happy New Year yourself and welcome to Fruit Emu.

Sorted m8 thx for the help.

In Topic: Newbie

02 January 2009 - 07:21 PM

Your first bet is to go to Control Panel and check that your monitor can be resized to 1280 by 1024. If not I'm afraid you will only be able to play 1024 by 768 or smaller DX's, unless the machines you download play on MFMEv3.2. I think this is the only version that you can "resize" the windows on by dragging the edges.

Hope this helps :)

Ta m8 tried that , but still get only the top half of the machines , my monitor a 22 inch screen so still no idea.:bigeyes24: