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Member Since 07 Jan 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 18 2016 06:20 PM

Topics I've Started

Scorpion 2 Public Enemy No1 Lamp Error 31?

18 September 2011 - 07:09 PM

Hi all, im stumped with my mates machine, the scorpion board on it died so i brought another one to replace it, fitted it and turned the machine on and in initialised fine but one corner of the board was really bright then it came up with lamp error 31, after a while the 10 bright bulbs went, now the machine plays fine pays out fine and the code has gone but the corner of the board does,t lite up obviously but that's it, also the sound is not working but this was dodgy on this machine anyway so might not be related!!!! Help< any input would be much appreciated thanks bruce!!

Deal Or No Deal (the Power 5) The Emu Has Arrived!

01 April 2011 - 05:13 AM

APRIL FOOOOOOOOOOOLS!!!!! :biglaugh: sorry!!

Only Fools And Horses Scorp1!

08 March 2011 - 11:45 AM

Hi I'm after a memory card for a only fools and horses fruity, i spoke to a fruit machine rental place near my work and they say if i can find one they can copy it or something! but they are like rocking horse pooh to find! its also the kind man there who told me it was that as i did,t have a clue it just kept saying protocall error 3! or if anyone has a better idea or know where i could buy/borrow one from it would be a great help!! thanks! Brucie!!!

forget wat he said it was called! think he said memory card he he

Scorpion 2 Board Wanted!

27 February 2011 - 03:05 PM

Hi does anyone no where i can get a new scorpion 2 board from? i have the old one if needed to be reconditioned! thanks brucie!!

Protocol Error 3

26 February 2011 - 01:07 PM

Hello, does anyone have any idea Wat this code is? its coming up on only fools and horses, the coin mech was totally knackered but don't think its that! when you have the back off the machine it runs fine but as soon as you put the back back on when it boots up it says protocol error 3!! also cant get it to play on free play i press start when the back doors off and it does bugger all! any help would be much appreciated :notworthy: thanks