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Member Since 30 Apr 2003
Offline Last Active Oct 14 2018 07:57 PM

Topics I've Started

Help with odd MAME roms suddenly not working

26 July 2015 - 03:04 PM

Hey all.


I have an arcade machine running MAME with Maximus Arcade frontend.


Everything works as it should and has been for some time but the last time i switched the machine on one of my favourite games - Gunsmoke - wouldn't run. I got a flash of the "loading" message then just a blank screen. Most other roms work fine but i did find another couple of games that gave the same result (can't remember which ones)


I've tried downloading the rom file again as I suspected it might be corrupt but still nothing. I haven't changed anything and, like I said, it used to work just fine.


Any ideas as to what might suddenly stop this rom from running?


Cheers in advance

Note acceptor question

01 July 2015 - 01:19 PM

Hi all. I have a Barcrest Bootylicious set on £70 jackpot (MPU6 i believe). Considering fitting a note acceptor to the Horizon cab. Is there any particular one I would need or are they all pretty much all of a muchness? Would it just connect straight up (I.e. are the connectors usually already inside the cab)?


Thanks in advance for any help

Tech heads - I need your help!

25 June 2015 - 06:30 PM

Hi all. Have an issue thats driving me nuts! My internet connection and sometimes my whole network drops for no reason. This usually happens while playing flash games. Sometimes it does it several times a day, other times hardly at all. I have to go into settings and disable/enable network card to continue. I have tried different browsers and even bought a network card rather than use the one attached to the motherboard....still no difference. I have a high spec PC so nothing else I can think of. Any ideas?

MPU6 Bootylicious Barcrest coin issue

02 October 2014 - 03:48 PM

Hi all


Just got one of these machines for my man cave but its not accepting 5p and 10p coins very well. Tried a handful earlier and a few went in but most are getting rejected. Is there anything easy I can do to try and sort this ?

Any machines for sale within 30 miles of Peterborough?

19 September 2014 - 11:24 AM

Hi all.


Pretty much as the title says. Looks for a fruit machine within a reasonable distance. Anyone have one for sale?