Hi all i broke my machine but this morning started to reload it succesfully apart from some games wont work all the revision A games worked no issues but i did have millionaire on and now the millionaire i have wont reload back on says cd install error why is this? since i removed it before with no issues from the system setup and reinstalled before i killed it does any body know were i am going wrong?
Hi all i have a jpm machine now i believe its gamebox 6 all i know is i have loads of cds with different games and a black dongle now i had a .dll error on some of the games so i removed them in the settings to do a fresh install now when i went to reload them i got though all the copying files installing game then screen goes black and says cd install error or something with a code so i used the jpm cleardown disk and tried again same error now i really need to fix my machine any ideas i have posted before but nobody seems to reply hopefully somebody will this time
Hi all i have a JPM gamebox well only had it a few days my problem is the money i win goes to the bank but i carnt collect my winnings no option to collect at my work on the unit i just click collect winnings and it pays out whats wrong with my unit any ideas?
Does any body know were to buy spare parts and disk and the key ect also i have an issue i keep getting this error and millionaire wont load but the other games do .dll missing then you gotta restart the cabinet any ideas? please help total newbie