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Member Since 16 Sep 2003
Offline Last Active Jul 05 2020 03:45 PM

Topics I've Started

Crack the nut

10 January 2005 - 09:31 AM

Hi all,

I was in an arcade in clacton and i saw this machine, i think its called crack the nut. Starts on 2p and you can gamble up to £2 i think it was. Can it be emulated? I have looked on the database but it doesnt seem to be on there.



MPU4 and MPU5

28 December 2004 - 07:50 PM

Hi all,

I have a couple of questions about MPU technology. What is the main difference between the two. Is it a case of a complete rebuild of the circuit board or have they just put a new chip on an old one. Secondly what are the differences, playing wise, between the two. I mean in games such as Vamp it up and all the other hybrids they have the board which changes colour, was this possible in MPU4 or is that one of the new features on MPU5. Also games where you can "win" on 5 lines, i cant think of any names at the moment, but i remember one being a snakes and ladders type game. Were they available in MPU4? If so could you give me the names of some to download.

Cheers ,



07 November 2004 - 04:17 PM

Hi all, i have been a member for about a year, mostly just downloading fruity's. Recently though i have been reading the forums and i have a few questions.

1. How do you go about getting the rom from a fruit machine onto the computer. I mean do you email the company and they send it to you, or do you have to actually do something with the original machine.

2. Does anyone remember a fruity about 5/6 years ago, i think it was called "Viva" something. It had a square board and it was set at the seaside. The nudges and features were on candy canes. There was also another one which was the same except it was situated in a pub. If you know what they are have they been emulated.

3. Why dont some companies let you emulate some of their machines. What reason do some give.

4. Lastly, how long has MPU/5 been in? How is it different from MPU/4 and why cant it be emulated yet? Obviously i understand that companies wont let you emulate new machines, how long is it until they let you?

5. I was thinking about buying a fruit machine and putting it into a pub. Whats the procedure? How much profit do they make? How much does rent cost?

Sorry about putting these all in one post.

Thanks in advance
