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Member Since 18 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 08 2012 10:42 AM

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In Topic: Introduce yourself

21 February 2009 - 06:27 AM

Two weeks ago I all started with MAME EMU for the arcade games, when crossing roads of EMU's i found out that there where also EMU for Pinball and of course Fruit Machines.

WHoa, A whole new world opened for me, I really like this stuff, the sound, the nostalgic of playing, the graphics but definitely the craftsmanship of the designers and builder, really my respect. I know how much time and effert it takes.

This site is absolutely helpfull, but the set of the fruit roms from the JPE still not working, i can not figure it out, i have also little EMulations tiredness, sometimes i cant remember wich emu belongs where, witch rom, for what, it is growing and growing aswell in MB harddisk size matter of speaking.

I will post one these days for help, but the right use of the forums are not my biggest skills.

Great site with great stuff, i really like this kind of community and harmony....