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Member Since 25 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 23 2011 04:34 PM

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Anyone able to restore my sanity ??

25 February 2009 - 11:10 AM

Hi there folks

First I'd like to introduce myself as a new member to the forum. I'm a 35y old guy who was born, raised and schooled in England, but then met an angellic beauty from the US. I chased and caught her, and now reside in the US along with my wife. One of the biggest things I miss from England is the weekend booze-up, and dropping a few quid in the fruit machine, but making sure you still got enough for a bag of chips on the way home.

Secondly and MOST Importantly, I was wondering if anyone could possibly help me out and quiet the heaving mass of grey mush that was my brain. I need help trying to find out the name of my all time favorite fruit machine. The sad part is, I can't remember much detail about it.
What little I do know is this. The layout had I believe a picture of a jester or a clown on it ( his face anyway ) and the name may have included the word Party, but I'm not certain on that and it had 4 reels. It was a 10p/play machine with a Jackpot of 100 pounds. The layout may also have had a picture of a merry-go-round or carousel. There was a feature trail you had to light up by getting numbers on the win line.. I believe there was also a high low reel too.. and there were lots of different feature games to play too.
I played the machine almost everyday while I was at University of Hertfordshire ( Hatfield ). The machine was in the Student Union building (also known as The Elephant House, due to its shape being the same as the Elephant house in London Zoo ) in the years 92-94.
The main reason I loved this machine was the amount of money I took out of it. After my first year at Uni was over, my bank account had more money than I started with. 4 Pears was the win to aim for, or 4 Melons.
4 pears = £ 5
4 melons = £ 10
The machine's gamble feature went something like this :
£ 1 £ 2 £ 3 £ 4 £ 5 £ 10 £ 15 £ 20 etc all the way to £ 100

It also let you bank part of your winnings and then gamble to rest. So as you can imagine the £ 5 was the best to aim for. Gambling, you would either win another £ 5 or lose £ 1. If I won, I would bank part of the win (£ 5 in this case) and try the gamble again.

Oh the fun I had.. even on a students meager income ( no job either ).. I would regularly walk away to my next class with £25-£40 more in my pocket.
I'm sure part of the reason it paid out so much was that a couple of rich arab kids would think nothing of stuffing £50-100 a day in the machine trying to get the jackpot. I saw this particular arab student finally get the jackpot after only putting a couple of pounds into the machine... and then saw him stuff it all and more back into the machine. He never did understand the basic concept of walking away when you were ahead.

Anyway I'm digressing with all these college flashbacks...
If anyone out there could help me identify this machine it would be greatly appreciated, especially if the rom and layout were available too ... I long to play this machine again.

Thanks in advance.
