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Member Since 02 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 30 2009 07:03 PM

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In Topic: Pink panther layouts

30 September 2009 - 06:16 PM

Oh dear. A member since March and you ask this:nah::nah::nah::nah:


Sorry for my newbishness..I've searched on here but to no avail so far..I'm guessing that I open in mmfe 9.4 under the design>rom where there's an option to load rom or something, but don't have a layout.

also, prior to this there hasn;t been a need for me to load roms as I have found roms with .gam and layout files.

Any help is appreciated.


In Topic: Pink panther layouts

30 September 2009 - 11:54 AM

ok mate hope u can do it or whoever you know is doing it.

lol, hey robstar...The Club Pink Panther you speak of, the rom was released a few days ago. It has no game file or layout..I have no idea as to how to get roms loaded and working. I have no idea about what this talk of door open mode means...

Club pink panther roms

Can anyone help a newb. Need help it getting the rom to load in a playable state..what emu do I use.

Thanks and regards..