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Member Since 09 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Jun 04 2009 11:25 AM

Topics I've Started

Help Resetting my Lumina note Acceptor

04 June 2009 - 09:42 AM

Hi guys, changed over game software and discovered my Lumina note acceptor now has a big X.
Now to reset it i followed the power off, click button 6
Switch back on for 15 seconds then i believe whilst on click back the number 6 to original position.
Now it should reset.
It Doesnt ahhH!!!
Machine is a Scorpion 4 Club Monopoly Wonders.
I changed over the software from 250 pounds to 500, hence i reckon it resetting itf.
Also my damm float now says ZERO, is this normal???
So on payout it says call attendant.
Hope you can help.

Need Software Upgrade EPROMS for £500 Jackpot Monopoly Wonders of the World

22 April 2009 - 09:09 PM

Hi, o Wise ones out there,
im trying to get £500 software upgrade eproms for my Monopoly Wonders of the world, Cant understand who Bell Fruit want extortonste amout of money, its for my personal use at home, id have thought they would help me? Eproms for Gods sake cost 5-6 pounds tops, can anyone please help me obtain them.:arghh:

How To Fit a Larger Hopper help needed!

18 April 2009 - 12:26 PM

Hi guys, got a machine thats capable or running a 500 and 1000 pound jackpots. Its set at 250 at the moment and its got a azkoyen medium hooper which i think takes 300 coins, now book says i can add another hopper, or im guessing use one big one but, the existing one is housed in a metal case that slides out from right to left, with a chute leading diagonally down from the coin mech, to an extension of metal added on top of the hopper i guess to aid a smooth flow to the hopper.
How can i extend or add another , looks like too much metal in the way.

Wonders of the World error 43 sticking button help?

18 April 2009 - 09:37 AM

Hi guys,
Got a Monopoly Wonders of the World by Bell Fruit, got an error 43 sticking button error, does this mean microswitch is stuck in the down position??? plus when nudges come in the reel no. 2 automatically nudges, so it must be stuck.
Any advice please.

Need A Scorpion 4 PSU

09 April 2009 - 10:06 PM

:arghh: Hi guys, im after a Scorpion 4 Psu, cant buy one anywhere, its a Stadium model. Anyone know where they will sell me one instead of a return repair? Mines fine, just want a spare.